
Autumn and Justin: Overthinking things

“I don’t work. I don’t have a car. School is my job, for now.” I smiled. I hoped it was encouraging.

He nodded, slowly taking in this information.

“So,” I clarified, “I’m available to work on this project. Whenever you can.” I ventured into that hazy, dangerous place with faith that my encouraging smile and careful wording would carry me safely toward a friendly response from him.

He nodded again. It took him a lot longer to think things through than I. I waited, nervously. Maybe he was wrestling with himself. Maybe he was just tongue-tied. Surely he wasn’t THAT slow! Seconds ticked by that felt like eras.

The teacher arrived at our table. Justin gestured, a ‘ladies first’ hand movement. I drew our topic from the hat. Piaget. Easy. I grinned up at the teacher, demonstrating my eagerness to tackle this project. Did he wink back? I blinked, confused. I shook my head. No matter. I turned to Justin. Time to work.

“Do you have your card punched for internet?” I asked, back on the safe topic of the project.

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