dear Stovohobos veiwers
Ok… I’m just wandering since it’s been a while. Has the ficlets community built the stovohobo shrine yet? No I’m not making fun of Stovohobo. Don’t get me wrong he’s a great writer and he has creative story lines but wtf? Some people would marry the kid. Almost everyone with a ficlets account loves him. No, I’m not saying I’m jelious and that he taking all the spotlight either. I frankly stopped doing this after a week and i don’t care what people are gonna say when the click on my name see 4 other stories and dump comments on them and say how much I suck. But seriously people can we pull our jaws up a tad. I bet that over 50% of people who are going to read this are going to read this because it’s about Stovohobo. So as i come to the end of my rant since I’m running out of the few 1000 something characters the allow u to use I just want to say again that i have nothing against Stovohobo and his work i’m just against his lovers. (Feel free to comment and make sure u do so open minded!) (I just can’t wait).