
Move/Counter-Move (A City of Heroes Story)

The two combatants became blurs of flesh and steel. Robert couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He was so stunned, he almost forgot that he had to keep Tommy pinned to the wall.

Tabitha leaped over a low kick, her mother attempting to trip her. As she came down, she lashed out with a kick to her mother’s face, but Tabitha found only empty air. Strike, parry, strike, dodge. Move, counter-move. Attack, counter-attack.

The two were almost evenly matched. Dozens of attacks, from both sides, were executed and immediately denied. Tabitha’s blade thrust forward, and were only just deflected before striking Elizabeth’s face. The dual scimitars slice shallow cuts on each cheek, but that strike cost Tabitha, as Elizabeth raked hardened steel claws down her arms.

Tabitha knew she didn’t have much time. They were evenly matched, yes. But Tabitha had no illusions about what would give out first – cold steel or warm flesh. She knew what to do. She changed tactics.

She just hoped she was right.

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