
Tell Me

“What’s it like to be…” Aysen asked a question, trailing off.
“Blind?” Sora completed for him, seamlessly.
“Well—yeah,” Aysen said.
“Actually, it might be bad at times, and an extreme disadvantage, but it’s not really like it hurts or anything. It’s just…blank,” Sora said, staring up at the ceiling.
“How do you know where everything is?”
“I hear them, most of the time, or I know my way around. I make a map in my mind, and I know where I am,” Sora said, playing around with her hair.

“How can you tell people from others?”
“Well, everyone has their own sound or feel—for example, Mom has a special way of walking. It’s even and, how can I say it, motherly. Grandma hobbles. Dad coughs. And you are far more elegant than anyone I know, so I knew it was someone different,” Sora smiled.

“That…that’s actually pretty cool,” Aysen remarked, surprising himself.

“Glad that you think so. No one has ever called my blindness cool,” Sora laughed.

“There’s only one thing I hate about being blind, though.”

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