

I ran without direction, in complete darkness. I wished I had grabbed the witch’s lantern, but it was too late now and there was no way I was going back there. My limbs ached from being bound for so long, but the pain was distant, minimal. All I could feel was my hair whipping behind me like a comet as I ran.

Sometimes I came close to running into walls, sometimes I stumbled over rocks, but I didn’t stop. The darkness began receding and I could see light from the entrance of the cave. I ran faster, ignoring the cramp forming in my side.

Suddenly I was outside, momentarily blinded by the sunlight. I shielded my eyes from the glare and moved slowly forward. I could see trees all around me. I was deep in a forest.

I looked at the sun and tried to orient myself. I knew I lived due east. Once I had my directions straight, I began heading through the trees, hopefully towards my home.

My hair was suddenly caught on some low-lying branches and I felt an explosion of pain as several strands were ripped clean off.

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