
Izzy's Realization

Izzy saw Renard scamper hastily down the hallway, towards the basement. She didn’t even think to wonder why that would be the first place he would run. In fact, running anywhere seemed logical at this point.

But she was okay. It took her shaken body a moment to realize this. She didn’t even have a scratch. She was more mentally injured than most anything else.

They were gone, running like the cowards they were to who knows where. But Izzy wasn’t sure if they would be back, not after this. Men like them lay low, stay underground. Involving public shootings and the authorities would thwart their entire operation. But then there was Marco, she still had him to worry about. Alas, she knew as much about his whereabouts as they did.

And there was Pierre. Is he one of them? What about Marguerite, is she in danger?

And poor little Renard, running off into the darkness. She felt horrible for dragging him into this, but he saved her life, twice. It was her turn to save him.

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