
Benji the drunkin Bastard

There once was a man named Benji. He was an achol adict. He was married to a women named Janice. She had had enough of him walking through the streets of there nieghborhood but naked shouting ” get krunk ” and making these wierd hand signals like he was drinking a bottle of whiskey. So his wife got tired of him doing thats every night so finally she left him.

5 months later

But then one day she was working at her gas station ” Janice’s Pit Stop” and all of a sudden a man walks in she did notice him walk in. So she went along her duties and then the guy walks up to the counter and pulls out his wallet and says ” how much will it be” the lady said $5.75 so he gave her the money and then the lady at the counter said you sure do look fimiliar were have i seen you before and the guy said ” i used to be your husband” then he hit her over the head with the whsikey bottle and said “who the retard now ” and took the body and put it in his car and they left never to be see again

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