
My Hero, Kind Of

Yes, my knight and shining armor! “There is one problem with your idea, Owen. She told me everything and I heard your whole conversation just now. Sorry I didn’t obey your wish to wait Sofia.” I was so glad he didn’t wait. Owen looked at me with great anger now and slapped me. Oww! A red mark began to form on my face. He slapped me again. Jacob came towards Owen, but this time he controlled his anger and just clenched his fists. “I would stop Owen, the police are on there way.” Jacob said with a good grin on his face. Owen became even madder now and let me go, but pulled a knife out of his pocket. “Jacob, you will no longer get in the way of Sofia and me.” He pointed the knife and Jacob and started to launch at him. “NO!” I screamed and closed me eyes, there was nothing I could do. Jacob dodged and kept dodging but he was beginning to get tired. I heard crashes against the wall and constant rustling.

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