Love Isn't Far If You Look
I’ve had a crush on my best friend for AGES .
No I’m not gay. My best friend is a boy.
I’ve asked him out a million times but so far, I’ve had no luck what so ever.
But one day, he invited me to the movies with his twin brother who is also my best friend, and some of our other friends.
I sat next to him in the movie, and he wouldn’t stop talking about how much he’s missed me over the summer.
I just smiled and blushed invisibly as the cinema was dark.
After the movie, we all walked out and he grabbed hold of my hand. I smiled, but I felt a bit weird.
Why was he doing this? Has he not made it clear that I like him and yet he italic doesn’t?italic
The next day after school, I saw him at the bus stop I got off. He blushed as he gave me his winning smile, and came up to give me a big hug.
I hugged him too, and he showed me his new phone.
As he was adding my number onto it, I looked onto his phone and I was two centimetres away from his face.
I felt I wanted to kiss him so much and I