The Guy Who Fell Out The Window
My name is Rufus McMalinn and I do Taekwondo.
Where I do Taekwondo, it has VERY big windows.
It seems very dangerous, and when I was young, my instructor used to joke around as to threaten us to throw us out the window if we were naughty.
I always used to eye the buses that passed below, outside the windows and wondered if it would be fun to lie down on a bus while it drove.
One day I found out.
It was an ordinary Taekwondo class, and we were practising our kicks with kicking pads that were held by our partner.
I was holding the pads for a fellow partner and yet he went too far for the run up and I tripped over, trying to avoid getting hit by my partner.
Instead, I fell out the window, did a little backflip and landed on my back on top of a bus, where I got a broken spine, neck and back. I soon broke my whole body and cracked my skull as the bus drove off and I rolled off the roof of the bus onto the bare road, where all the cars stopped and tried to help me.