
Reasons To Live

I decided to let my more rational voice guide me, but we suddenly weren’t on speaking terms. That left me and Mr. No-Guts-No-Glory to determine my dialogue.

My day was so going downhill fast.

“Come on,” my inner Rambo said. “Give’im what for and let’s get going!”

I would suggest you silence that particular aspect of your personality, the dragon thought.

“Sorry,” I said, suddenly feeling very naked. Which I was, but now I consciously knew it. “Uh, I was wondering if I could get past you, please.” See. Even without my rational voice, I could be polite!

Now, why would I want to do that?

“Well,” I said. “Good question. And I have a very good answer.” I did? “You see. Uh…” Think! “Well, you know who’s at the end of this path, right?”

It had the good grace to roll it’s eyes. Of course, I do.

“Well, I’m going to see him… Her? Anyway, I’m going there, and he/she will be very upset if I’m late.”

Ah, you have an appointment.

“Not really…” Oops.

Then they won’t miss you.

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