
How To Make Enemies And Influence Dragons

“Wait, hold on a minute.” I shifted my focus back to the real world for a second. The fire was dying down. I had already wasted a lot of time here. “Make that a second. What are you talking about?”

I can smell it on you. The soul of a dragon trapped within you. It didn’t sound happy about that at all. Where did you get it? How did you get it?!

“Look, I have no idea what you’re talking about! I’ve never even met one of your kind before. Just seen dragons from a distance.”

LIES ! Oh, it was choked. Big time. But my patience (not to mention my time) was running out.

“Alright, enough! I’m done having this discussion with you. Move out of my way, or I’ll move you myself!”

I take no orders…

“MOVE!” I said the word, but it was like another voice was mixed with mine, like how the astral plane overlays reality, both existing in the same place, but on different levels. And the other voice was old. Even older than the being before me.

And it moved, alright. It actually turned tail and ran!

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