
One Man Fan Club

I pulled my hood up and walked up the school’s steep front steps, hopeing – as always – to go unnoticed. It was a Monday, afterall, and I guess nothing was willing to go my way, because he caught up with me.
“Hey honey,” he said loudly and wrapped his arm around my waist. I refused to answer. He thought I was playing hard to get.
“You look beautiful, as always,” he complimented; I reminded myself to smile.
“Thanks Devin, you’re a cutie.” My voice sounded slightly monotonous.
He grinned crookedly and my broken little heart swelled ‘til it felt my ribs would break. I stopped walking. What the hell was that? That feeling?
He had to backtrack, bending down slighlty and looking searchingly into my hood.
“Another sweatshirt and jeans day huh, hon? You feeling okay?” He tucked a lock of my sandy blonde hair back behind my ear. I gave up on dressing nice – honestly who cared? Devin.. – but at least I still washed my hair.
The bell rang.
“I’m fine,” I said kissing his cheek and pulling him along after me

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