136 -- SEQUEL ME!! :DD
maybe you’re sufin the web. or maybe youve been sitting on your arse all day just chillin with the puter. or maybe you actually have a life. i dunno. :]
butt what i do know;;
is that i wanna talk to someone right now. i have some fast paced thumping catchy music playing. im in a good mood.
sequel or prequel with whatever.
just some random shit. it doesnt even need to make sense.
makinggg sense is ferr SQUARES ! >:D
liike bulletins on myspace. :]
a survey. a question. a poll. a story. a quote. a poem. a song. gibberish. a picture from the inspiration file on ficletss. a website to go to. [no porno!] a list. a wish.
idk. idc.
tell me. tell ficleteers what the hell you’re thinking about. what you’re doing.
kk? these better be loaded with comments too. ;DD
mmk people?
tag with ”” AND .THEN.THERE.WERE.NONE. ””
chyea. :] :[] :)