
My Regret, Part Two

Never talked to me again. My heart rate is still fast when I see him, not knowing what to do. I see him everyday at his locker. He blocked me on AIM and I saw that as he didn’t want to talk to me. Maybe when I see him I won’t give him dirty looks anymore. I barely remember what happened and it is about time I got over it. For good this time. I probably will never become his friend anymore because I now see a side of him that is not very good. He is very immature, like he is five. You might say all guys are like that, but there is always that one guy that needs some extra growing up and that is him. Maybe now after typing this, the heart racing will stop. Maybe it won’t because I regret what I did. We were friends for so long before our relationship and he was a big impact on a lot of things. I think about him everyday since I see him. People just say, get over him already! And that is really what I need to do. Let go of this regret, some how. See there is more to Blusparrow then meets the eye.

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