
Poor Elswick

“Yummy!” Elswick said to his mother. “I want more!”

“I’m sorry dear, but that’s the last of it. Besides, this human food isn’t good for our palettes.”

Elswick arched a brow, “Why would I worry about something so stupid, Mama.”

“I don’t know,” she replied.

“What’s wrong, Mama? You are usually so happy.”

“Nothing, son, I just need some time to myself,” Mama said although she knew in her heart that she couldn’t tell her beloved son that she was getting ready to die.

It wasn’t planned. It was just one of those animal instincts that no one can explain. This would be the last meal she would ever eat with her son- pizza from a forgotten picnic.

Mama put her short arms around Elswick’s neck and hugged him more tightly than ever before. Then she put the unsuspecting boy to bed and crawled away into the woods.

Elswick woke up in the middle of the night and became aware that his mother wasn’t around.

"Mama?" "M...m..Mama!!!" "Mama!" he cried in a tearful voice. He knew she was gone
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