

The snow fell in thick sheets that day, hiding the green earth that was once there. The only animals outside were the dogs in the backyards or roaming the streets. People were shoveling their driveways even though it was still snowing and would be for quite a while. Children ran around throwing the snow in the air and jumping in piles larger than six feet. A young couple held hands smiling grins that filled their little faces. How I long to be out their with them, to play and smile. But I am stuck in this gloomy house do to my old age and my health conditions. You see, I am fifty-five years old and have aids. I dont have enouph money for the pills because I am unable to work. I am slowly dying but I dont want to think about that. I am so happy to see people trying to help people like me everywhere. I know its too late for me but not for them. Thank you.

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