A Twist Called Dare
Pete yelled at me, “You are not supposed to be happy. You don’t deserve to be happy after what you did to me.” I walked toward him bravely and asked, “What the hell? What did I do to you? You’re the one that dumped me!” Jacob put full trust to leave me alone and he left to talk to Hannah, leaving the door all the way open. Pete continued, “You were the bad part of our relationship!” I retorted, “Then why did you ask me out in the first place?” He pushed me back and screamed, “IT WAS ON A DARE ! A stupid little dare where the guys challenged me to see how long it took to get into your pants! But you were against all of that, so I had to make a reason for you to dump me! That ended up me being the worst possible person alive, but you loved me! And I lost the bet, but got some parts for dumping you! I never wanted to hurt you! I just wanted to pick you for the dare because I knew, I thought you were strong enough for that rejection!” He kept on talking, but I tuned him out and focused on not fainting.