
As Moths to Flames

“I want to be reborn as a moth in the next life,” she stated

He simply wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest, unphased.

“Why a moth?” he wondered

“Because it’s so much simpler for them. They’re drawn to this light and they go for it. They never question whether or not they should or worry about the consequences. They just know something is drawing them and they follow it. It’s the most passionate existence I can think of.”

He smiled and gently kissed the back of her neck and nuzzled her hair.

“But sometimes passion isn’t really happiness,” he answered

“It is for moths,” she argued

Silence as she watched a couple more moths flutter around the bulb.

“But if you were a moth around a light bulb you would never reach your light. It would be a futile existence,”

“But I don’t think I would care.”

He pondered for a second.

“I would rather you were a firefly,” he decided


“So you and I would be able to find eachother easier,”

And she kissed him in agreement.

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