
Mr. Clueless (From Unintended Consequences Inspiration)

John had no idea how much of an influence he was. He thought no one cared and no one noticed. He was wrong…

John was someone evil. He was the guy everyone hated. He cheated on people and bullied people. He was the immature guy that never knew when he crossed the line and never said he was sorry. He crossed then line then ran a mile.

He went out with this girl, Jamie. He told her he loved her and she loved him. Then he cheated one her and she broke up with him. He was so angry he spread a rumor that she cheated on him and slept with someone else. He constantly antagonized her and one night during a party, he raped her. He didn’t stop after that, he kept making fun of her and spreading rumors. He didn’t know when to stop. He never thought about how much it had effected her..He thought of her as an object rather than a person and that it was all a game.

One day Jamie took her life. John had a lesson to learn, life is not a game and you can effect people. He will have to live with that forever.

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