
Trying Dialog A Deux: A Trialog

Ugh, get off the danged computer, for the umpteenth time.

Umpteenth is not a number.

That’s beside the point. You have serious stuff you should be doing.

What could be more serious than completing this challenge on Roller Coaster Tycoon?

Research. Professional writing. Cleaning the house.

Hey, I work hard and deserve my down time!

And cookies!

Wait, how did he get back to the surface?

I thought you were in charge.

And we’re still at the computer.

Where there am no cookies.

He has a point there.

That’s playing dirty. Don’t forget your diet. See, playing on the computer is healthy for you…less snacks!

Bring cookies to shiny box. Eat at shiny box desk.

Don’t you two gang up on me! This isn’t fair.

You’re such a whiner. Shut up and build that inverted coaster. You know you want to.

You want to.


I hate you.

I am you.

I know. I hate me, always have, probably always will.

Gee, you sound depressed. You know what will cheer you up?



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