It takes a Construct...
We had, from my reckoning, just over 2 hours left.
I pulled all available hands back to the construct room, 20 of us had to get 160 of these things working by then.
“We’re not going to do it Kaine,” Arni said mournfullly.
I agreed, we had thousands of peices but only three constructs almost good enough to use. The rest were junk lying around the floor.
“I can help,” Mindy said.
Mindy, our resident little person didn’t mix much, but she was a damn good astrophysist. Saved our butts several times.
“What do you need?” I asked her.
“This fella here,” she slapped the legs of the only completed construct we had. “And ten minutes.”
“K, go for it, the rest of you gathering the pieces into construct piles. Then we’ll slap them together. Maybe we’ll make it after all.”
Ten minutes later Mindy’s construct was working on the nearest pile. A minute later another construct existed, the two constructs immediately worked on two more piles.
I looked at Arni, smiled. “We might just make it.”