Make a Wish
Dakota and I sat together on top of a hill watching the sunset. It was so calm her compared to the craziness that was my life and his. We both wished that our home lives could be different. We stood on each other and never let each other fall.
Dakota: Hey Linna, do you think those set of trees off in the distance look like the mouth of a wolf?
Looked in the direction he pointed to. I saw nothing.
Me: Oh ya I see it…Not!
I laughed.
Dakota: It is right there!
He pointed again and nudged me.
Me: Oh there it is…
Dakota: You don’t see it do you?
Me: Nope…
We laughed. He wrapped his arm around me and I put my head on his should. I felt so good when I was around him. I didn’t have to pretend everything in my life was perfect.
Dakota: Look!
I looked in the sky and saw a shooting (or falling) star.
Dakota: Make a wish!
Me: Nah, I already got my wish.
I looked in his eyes and he looked in mine. I saw hope in his eyes. I kissed him. Sparks rushed threw me.
Dakota: Linna?