Everyone was in high spirits. My friends and their dates talked, ate, and laughed. It was the night of homecoming, but not just any homecoming. It was our last homecoming. We were finally seniors!
We picked the best restaurant in town. It was gonna be the best night of our lives…well, for most of us.
Liz was chatting away with her date who was, of course, some random dude none of us knew. Holly, had finally gotten together with Chad. I always knew they’d be good for each other. And Anna had chosen Rex as her date. And as much as I hated to admit it, they also made a good couple.
I always denied any feelings for Rex. My greatest fear was that if something between us happened, we wouldn’t be able to be friends like we used to. I’d be crushed if I lost him as a friend. So I always refused to believe that I had feelings for him. But as I watched Anna, my best friend, laughing with him, I couldn’t help but feel jealous.
...to be continued…