
Close Encounters (Dar)

Mr. who are you calling?

“There was a beautiful black cat yesterday here, she let me pet her. I thought I would look for her today.”

“Mr. did she seem strange to you like she almost knew what you were saying to her.”

“I don’t know it’s just a cat.”

“If you see her again run away she is sick.”

“You understand me!!!!”

The man turned afraid of the Count, he ran away from him.
Dar, was watching from the landing above the alley, she recognize the count. She scurried away before he saw her.
the sun was going down.

Dar, kept walking the back streets of 52nd St. She was looking for new sleeping dwellings. She came across an old abandon apartment building. Nothing there accept homeless people. She went down to the basement to see if there was a way in and out. No one was down there, she dug a whole the size of her body.

This would be her knew sleeping layer. She could hide here for a while. She knew that she had to look for prey away from the apartment building she could not take the…....

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