
I luv this kid!!!!!

I love this kid at my school. He makes my heart jump every time i see him. He makes me want to scream every time he looks into my eyes. He is the one that i want to cuddle with every time im cold. He is the one that helps my throught a rought day. He is the one that i love.

When he talks to me in school i scream inside. It feels like i just want to tell him that i love him but i can’t. There is know way that he would date me. I am so not his type. But yet i still like him. I just want to tell him that he’s the one i keep describing in storys.(such as these)

I just switched schools and i really miss him. I can’t even focus on my school work i miss him terribly. Every mintue of every day I think of him, I miss him, and i want to be around him. He is so funny,so cute,and he’s so hawt!! I love him with every thing i got even if he dosent love me back.

I will always love him even if he hates my guts i will always love him.

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