The Room Part 3
I was now part of the room. The door open another person walked towards the man in the chair. “Mr. where am I?”
The man said nothing, he was facing the front of the room.
His eyes closed shut.
I went to go back out of the room the door would not open. I truned around to ask the man in the chair a question.
“Hey Mr. the door is locked, this time his back was facing me.
“Turn the lights out first and the door will open.”
“Ah, what did you say?”
“Turn the lights out first and the door will open, I said!”
I truned the lights out and tryed the door, it would not open.
I started to get nervous.
I went over to the man, to confront him and make him open the door.
His eyes open, there was a bright light comming from them.
I ran to the window to try to open it, I could not get it to open.
I rant back to the door and started banging on it.
Then I heard voices talking around my head, I kept covering my ears to drown them out.
I could here them yelling at me to get out, I…