Silver Revolver Part III
She was the most beautiful thing i have seen in many days.
Standing tall and oh so strong, i know it was only a picture but this lady can take a mans breath away in any shape or form.
She was once a big time t.v star always on everyday at eight o’clock making all men and women around the world feel like they to were strong and unstoppable.
But sad enough she to died just like everyone else. She made me relies everyone is mortal no man is immortal. I do fear the day i die but i do not shy away from it.
I took the day just looking at the image of her, trying my best to find some inner strength in me. I couldn’t find nothing but the things i already had.
I was starting to question my strength and what good have i gotten from the miles i have traveled, all i seem to have done is remind myself how screwed up things have gotten and how alone i have become.
Night was creepy upon me. I needed sleep badly but i didn’t want to leave.
The days the nights are becoming my mortal enemy.