

The Overvisor had spoken, and spoken truly, in the video room. He had acted against THE SUPREME EXCELLENCY and thusly he had to be REMOVED FROM SOCIETY . He would have loved to flee but couldn’t, due to the restraining bands.

In fact, none of what the Overvisor said was untrue. He had placed a bomb in the Embassy, and the bomb had exploded, although the whole thing had been orchestrated by the Rebels so that nobody died.

But he wasn’t being exiled for that.

He had betrayed the Supreme Excellency. For that his body would be tied in unbreakable bonds and placed in a ship-coffin hurled towards the outskirts of the Solar System and beyond.

All of this because the bomb had killed no one, and, therefore, was painfully short of what could be said to be an Excellent bomb—one that actually kills.

ANY LAST WORDS ?, said the Overvisor efficiently.
“There are no mistakes, merely experiences.”
As he finished saying that, the bands dragged him down towards what was to be his gruesome, final fate in outer space.

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