
The Trap (Part 3)

My power was drained out of me. I could feel it flowing from me into the circle of power around us. I felt weak. Human weak.

And for the first time in my rather extensive life, I was afraid. No, terrified. I was so weak, I couldn’t even stand. I fell to my knees, and did something I don’t think any dragon had ever done: I started to cry.

I cried because I had failed. Because I had become over-confident. Because I knew I was about to die, and it might be decades or even centuries before the other enforcers knew it. He would win. And there was nothing I could do about it.

Yes, you pitiful coward, he sneered. I win! I am the stronger, the smarter, the better of us. And you… He walked over and placed a hand on either side of my head. You are just a human. A dead human.

I tried to bat his hands away, but it was so tiring just to raise my arms. I wish I could say I had some witty last comment, but I couldn’t even scream as he twisted my head, taking his time snapping my neck.

And the world went dark.

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