
Eternal Sleep

Darkness closes in,
threatens to destroy my thoughts.
Sleep has evaded me for days thus far,
and I long to give myself over.
A relief it would be not to think,
to put an end to the madness I contain.
Exhausted and discouraged since I last saw your face,
eternal sleep is all that I desire.
How strange it is to be,
to desire this strange concept of life.
With an aching mind I ponder,
trying to find the strength to resist unconsciousness.

It would mean useless sacrifice,
to give in when I’ve gotten so far.
These hours of pain and struggle,
the relentless flow of thoughts, for nothing.

Weary and lethargic, I wake from my sleep,
my mind foggy with confusion.
I glance around, disoriented,
to take in my surroundings.
It is dark, with shadows looming in from all sides.
At first I am frightened,
afraid of the unknown.
But then I understand:
I’ve made it at last:
eternal sleep.

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