
Ring 'Round the Witch

Hazel eyes fluttered open, then immediately shut themselves against the light. A soft groan escaped a pair of pale, pink lips as the eyes tried to open again, squinting through the dots of light. There was a brown haze to things and it took a moment for her to realize her hair had fallen over her face. She brushed the brown curtain behind her ear, sucking in a breath as pain flooded to her forehead.

A voice, warm and sultry voice came from her right. “It’s about time, little one.”

Moira whimpered and turned her head to see a tall woman with a blonde braid that reached her thighs standing a few feet away from her. She was wearing a long, dark green corsetted dress with buttercups along the hem. The girl’s sight began to clear, though her head was still pounding, and she could see that the woman had pointed ears. Soon she realized that she wasn’t seeing spots, but tiny fluttering lights of varrying colors. An Elf woman with faeries.

She looked down and saw that she was in a ring of mushrooms. “Shit.”

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