

It was a wet, cold Saturday in December. I strolled slowly and peacefully through the woods behing my little cottage. It had been a long, stressful week, and I was tired. I had not slept well in a long time. As I followed a beaten path through the forest, I felt terribly weary. I shivered as a chilly breeze ran through my hair.

I shivered again, this time more violently. It was so cold, and I was so tired. I walked a little more. Suddenly, I felt lightheaded. The feeling passed quickly, though, and I continued walking.

Again I shivered. I passed an old, creaky bench. Clutching myself, I wondered why it was so cold. My head spun. I couldn’t stand upright; dizziness consumed me. I collapsed onto the bench. I tried weakly to call out, but instead I began to cough terribly. I couldn’t stop.

Dazed, I struggled to stand, but my strength was gone. Delirious with fever, I could barely make that a figure was approaching me…

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