
I love you to death

So she told me she told me and told me and told me…
Apparently, she said, I wasn’t “getting It”
What’s not to get?
I go to work, you keep the house clean. It’s not rocket science.
Is it too much to ask that I have a clean house and never run out of socks? Is it too much to ask that my dinner be ready upon my arrival home in the evening? Is it too much to ask that she live like a servant in exchange for a free place to live? I work too hard to clean up after my self at home!
She says she feels isolated, held hostage… I just bought a new hockey stick, Have no time, I paid all the bills…there’s no way I can fix your car right now. You don’t need a car anyways… you don’t even work! You have plenty to do around here anyways…you are slacking in your duties as a wife. Where do you need to go? As far as I’m concerned, you aren’t here enough!!
I am well aware of your unhappiness, however, if I let you go, I will look like a failure. I will love you to death. So help me.

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