
When I Was Just A Little Girl

When I was a little girl, I thought that one day I would do the impossible. People would look at me thinking I was the greatest person on Earth. I would reach for the stars and never give up until I caught one.

But now, it seems like everything is backwards. When you reach for the stars, you like a moron stretching.

When I was a little girl, I thought that my dad was superman. All little kids think that their fathers can do anything and everything, I knew my dad could do more.

Now though, my dad needs help for everything and superman only exists in comics and stories for me.

Once, when I was little, I always had an imaginary friend. Well, more than that, I had an imaginary friend, an imaginary bunny, an imaginary cat…. You get the point.

Now, I realize that an imaginary friend can only do so much. When you’re older your imaginary friend can’t hug you and tell you everything is going to be okay like a real friend.

Little kids have odd minds, don’t they? It’s hard to think I was one of them.

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