The spaceship was in a death spiral, spinning down from 38,000 feet toward the surface of the sea. It surged against the gravitational pull of Earth and then dipped down toward the waters below. Sam placed his hands on the controls, but it had no effect. Sechruj stood there in a catatonic state.
“Do something, damn it!” Sam yelled.
Just as they were about to crash, Sechruj reached over to the control panel and placed his long fingers into the sphere. The ship slowed to a near stop and then cut smoothly into the water, dropping straight to the bottom of the sea until resting on the sea floor.
Sam threw Sechruj against the wall of the spaceship. “Who are you God damn it? Healing people by touching them – not speaking. I want to know! Believe me, this is nothing compared to what will happen if the government gets a hold of you. This isn’t the first time we’ve made contact! is it?! Is it?!”
“Sam, stop!” Terry yelled, pulling him away from Sechruj.
Composed, Sechruj walked to the master control system.