

I looked around at the concrete walls.
Where am I?
I tried to move my leg, but I couldn’t feel anything.
Not again…
I tried to move my arms….couldn’t feel anything.
Dammit! Looks like I’ll have to.
I closed my eyes and let my mind float, finding my center. I felt a buoyancy and then, I felt myself rise in the still, lifeless air. I felt like every pert of me was cushioned and supported.
I started focusing on a point in the distance, one of the lights that lines the tunnel walls.
I started moving forward. To keep moving, I had to focus on a new point to keep consistent movement. It was hard at first, but as my movements became more fluid, my thoughts flowed faster.
I now felt the wind rushing past me, leaving sound and what I thought was reality behind. I poured on the speed, I saw everything stretch. I felt like I was in a slingshot.
I let go, letting speed rip the life out of my body, mind out of my skull, and into nothingness.

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