
The Maze II (AP7091)

it started to rain. the water made the floor hiss. The water was cold and the drops felt like needles on her skin, the worst, perhaps, was that the water irritated the electrical panels making many paths inaccessible she strayed away from those trying to find her way out, she ran from a shorting sequence until she hit a dead end. The Panel burned her feet the water soaked her hair and clothes, and the electric approached, she closed her eyes took a step and jumped as far as she could, she cut her arms on the walls but landed on a shorted out panel. No more searing flesh, just the prickling after pain she continued to run, the walls closing in cut her again and again, she saw the wire curtains and strayed away making it finally after a minute 13 seconds that felt like a year.
She wiped the blood away from her arm only for it to trickle back down again she wet her thumb and cleaned it again, this went on for a time until the door opened, only it was the wrong door. She was going to have to do it again.

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