
Damn Alarm Clock pt.2

This girl, the one who’s face was buried in the plumpness of her overly large, white pillow, wondering if death by asphyxiation would be believable by her overbearing parents. No…no, they would never buy it. She was their “star daughterâ€? after all. Honor Roll, cheerleading squad, accepted by ALL the colleges she applied to, and was one of the best students in nearly all her classes. Her parents were proud, her teachers were proud. Hell, she didn’t doubt her goldfish, swimming in lazy circles in its jail of a fish bowl was proud. Thus, she was to smart to die by simply suffocating in a pillow. She would obviously pull herself up from it, even if she was inert by a coma.

Groggy and with dust and God knows what else crusted in the wrinkles beneath her eyes, she rolled unto her back, the sun creeping through the tightly shut eyelids, forcing her to open them, and face the new day. The new day she had been dreading for an eternity.

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