
Silver Revolver Part XIV

“Mister i think you might want to see something just up the road.”

I didn’t know what to expect when i slowly walked up to the spot where she told me to go. Maybe a few animals running wild but not a group of people in cars driving threw the desert.

It was like they all found a place to go and be safe from the misery left behind.

Susan and i left half of are gear behind, we hadn’t had much time to pack we needed to catch up with the group.

We spent hours tailing them, and having them not noticing us. I felt that was best for now to keep are presence unknown.

The people had entered into a village, The village must’ve held up to a thousands of people. We could hear the shouts the cries in the village.

Susan had made a spot up on a cliff to spy on the village.
I just sat on top of my horse and thought about the situation and what we could do. This is not a place where happy fellow mates can come to. Its a safe haven for the misery which wont stay safe for long if the mystery people find it.

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