
Captian Rethan Doepfer Journal Entry 1

I can’t help but wonder what Lara has to tell me that is so important that it can’t be transmitted over the interplanetary data link. A long time ago we sat in a cafe down at the base of Olympus Mons, drinking wine and romanticizing about the prophecies of Heathcoate. He predicted that there would be a discovery deep in space in the middle of a small heavenly body that would change mankind’s perception of itself. He had set forth coordinates and descriptions of the place, but no one had ever found it. Of course many had tried to find it, but none had succeeded. There have been many hypotheses as to what this discovery would be – an inter-dimensional space ship, evidence of life deep in space, blue-prints for the first deep space vessel and the quantum computer. No one knows for sure what he thought was out there.

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