
Dearest Wenceslas

They told each other that no one was more important to them than the other, and they were happy.
But one day, Wenceslas disappeared, and although the townspeople had their suspicions, no one knew what had happened to him. That very same day, a new porcelain doll appeared behind the counter, one that looked very much like Wenceslas.
Some of the women who had been jealous of the couple said that dear Wenceslas had at last realized Norah’s plainness and left her. Others said that he had died, and Norah has secretly buried him in the dead of night. Still others argued that he was in the house somewhere, watching everything that was being done; Norah refused to say who was right and who was wrong.
Two years had passed, and the beloved toymaker was getting more and more toy orders from royalty and dignitaries, but she never forgot her dearest husband Wenceslas.

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