
a Prom issue

enough – I will grab the phone – call him – and ask him to prom – what’s the worse that can happen?
He could say no. he could say no and then it’ll be too awkward between us. so awkward we won’t alk to each other anymore and our whole friendship will be ruined.
..but…he seems like the sort of guy that would understand and if we went as friends, we would have so much fun! plus, he’d see that i do like to dance..maybe he’ll start liking me. and when he sees me in my dress? OW
But then again. what would be the point if he liked me..he’s gonna go to California for college, I’ll probably never see him again…but he’ll never like me. why me? of all people?
well…we are highly compatible…we are so similar! it’s ridiculous.’s not like I’m ugly. I’m actually really pretty
HA! compared to other girls at school, i’m just decent. he would never choose me and he went with what’s-her-name to last year’s dance. she’s goregeous
but they did go as friends…why not go with me?


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