
Mary Jane On the Road Again

“So,” Mary Jane began, “This must be yours too.”

“No, I only have two letters from him, and I have both of them here,” Holden said, pulling the letters out to show Mary Jane. The envelopes were intact.

“So what does this mean?” Mary Jane asked.

“There must be another band member lost in the desert?” Holden offered.

“You know, you could be right. Maybe this is my journey, to help your band…or something,” Mary Jane said, “Do you want a ride to California?”

“But you just came from there,” Holden said.

“Yeah, well, this is important I guess. Its not like I was really accomplishing anything.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, as long as you don’t murder me or anything like some maniac hitchhiker.”

“Deal,” Holden said, holding out a hand for them to shake on it.

They spent three hours in the diner talking and caffienating themselves before they decided to hit the road once more. Mary Jane felt better now that she wasn’t alone anymore, even if she was taking a chance with a stranger.

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