

I so forseen this happening years ago. Not exactly who would trigger it, but I knew it would be an outside source. I knew it would be one of her girlfriends and I knew it would be a small or stupid situation. I knew because I know the motives behind her actions. I knew partly because I provoked the actions. I knew simply because I knew.

So, do I insinuate the problem furthur, or do I do the adult thing and neutralize it. Well, I am getting tired of this tit-for-tat, back and forth stuff. Looks like it ran it’s course. “Hey big bro.” “Hello.” “I was wondering if you could go….” “No, I can’t. I have a lot to do.” Please get used to this, I don’t consider you my sister anymore.

My sister wouldn’t try to mainipulate me at every given opportunity. My sister would not try to use the whole family as leverage to accomplish personal goals. My sister would give to the family. I guess I don’t have a sister.

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