

The classroom sits empty. The students have not arrived yet. As the substitute reviews the lesson plan left by the teacher for him, the clock ticks away. Soon the classroom will be filled with students.

He is teaching computers, which has changed a lot since he was a kid. In 1986, he was taught on a Commodore 64 during 7th grade. After the lesson then, the kids were allowed to play Weather War. Today, the 6th & 7th graders are learning how to create Power Point presentations. The 8th graders are choosing the hexadecimal color codes for their web sites. Things have changed in 22 years.

He goes back to reviewing the lesson plan. Putting aside his thoughts of getting old. Thoughts of passing on knowledge and hoping that something ‘sinks in’ begin to fill his mind. He will be here for only one day, but perhaps he might leave an impressions on the students.

The school bell rings and the students begin to trickle into the classroom. They are excited, not to learn, but that they have a substitute for the day.

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