
Hollow plans for revenge

John had been thinking everything over again, Chance and then the video message of Janet. He could only think of one thing: they were lovers. How angry he got when he thought of all the things she said to him, that she would never leave him. But he wouldn’t let his anger spoil his new plan.
The whole world was bound to see what Hollow had planned, he finally knew were to go.

He rushed out of the motel and immediately started hitchiking again. Hours pass by as he slowly walked along the road with his thumb up.

But then suddenly he saw it again; Chance’s car. He didn’t wanted any help from him, yet without muttering he got in the car. ‘You liked the tape about the mistress,’ he asked.
Mistress, John strangely repeated in his mind. ‘Well, i’ve seen better movies.’ Chance smiled. John smiled along, a special smile, not because he smiled with his little joke, but because he had just thought up a brilliant plan to teach his ex a lesson. But he would do it only after his great plan has been accomplished.

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