
Scientific Volunteers

He half ran, half stumbled through the debris whirling around his feet, not thinking where he was going, just getting away. The detritus of civilization impeding his way, and distracting his mind.

“With out the Rx, they’re going to be looking for you in full force. They have to contain you. You’re a freak on the loose.” He pushed aside that last thought and tried to forget why he was on that court mandated prescription in the first place, and how long he could go with out it before there were… problems.

Thinking too much had always been Wallace’s handicap. So many avenues of debate knocking against the side of the skull. Pulling at his mind, and questioning his motives. Learning to control it was the tricky part, you couldn’t over think it.

The meds were what got him released from prison to the congenially titled “Discovery Center for Scientific ‘Volunteers”. It was anything but congenial, and much worse than prison. He couldn’t go back to either place.

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