
Sweet Cheeks vs. Ignoramus


The telephone interrupted Hamst3r_b0y’s stream of highly belligerent typing. loco_mama was going to regret the day she challenged him on ins and outs of cultural phenomenon in this day and age.


“damn. it better be fucking good.” he thought to himself as he picked up the phone, not saying a word.

“hey baby, it’s me”
“oh, hey sweet cheeks. picked a hell of time to interrupt me”
“oh, were you setting some invisible ignoramus straight on the way of the world? For such an internet junkie, you’d think you’d invest in a cell phone that you could turn off, or at least get caller id”
“i’m not into that hipster shit, and besides not knowing where I am or how to get a hold of me adds to my charm, doesn’t sweet cheeks.”
“You only get one more use of ‘sweet cheeks’ before I come over there and kick your ass”
“Tempting. But I’ll save it for later. I’ve got someone else’s ass to fry over here.”
“There you go again choosing the imagined over real life.”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

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