
What Will It Be

Each sunset that rises, and awakes the world, we face another time without peace.

We live in perilis times, and we are growing ever so un-concern each day.

People moving about in thier lives, untouched by hurt and pain of others. Stepping over it as if it was a puddle of dirty water.

Not willing to say anything and or reach out to someone in need.

I wonder if when they look at such a sunrise and or a sunset do they think of their own imortality.

Is God real to them I mean the one true God.

Do they believe in God, or Do they merly exsist from some kinda of genitic cell formed out of air.

Do you ever stop and think about anything other then your self.

When you leave this world what would someone say about you?

What legacy do you leave your children, and or family.

What will they hide out of embarrssement.

Where would you spend enternity and what will you do to achieve it.

How has your life change in the last year for the better or has it gotten worse?

What will it be.

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